TCM Student Review for Acupuncture Review Classes

Amanda C., L.Ac. 2013

I am so happy that I signed up to take your CALE Review Board classes. The book is concise and I love the flashcards. The questions may not be straight forward but if you know the information well enough you know what to eliminate and which is the right answer. Memorizing the tongue and pulse, asking song, herbs and point prescriptions, Zang fu descriptions, ZF tongue and pulse and just being able to know the difference and similarities helped me so much to get through the test.
I mostly appreciate your great guidance all the way through the test was super beneficial. Your support is beyond priceless and I could not thank you enough for being my teacher, coach and cheerleader. I always recommend your course because you cannot put a price on the amazing support you get. The material is a lot, the test is challenging, your mind will get tired, your emotions will be tested, but if you stick to what Linda tells you to do it, when to do it, and how to do it, you will pass the boards. Do a little everyday and by the end of her course it will not seem so much. At the end you will see how much you have Mastered and how far you have come.

Amanda C., L.Ac. 2013

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