Stressed about TCM/NCCAOM® Exams? We can help!

High Pass Rate • 24 years of Experience • 12 Weeks Access

Years Teaching Acupuncture Review
Years of Teaching Experience
Students Taught
Nationals Pass Rate

Looking for a fast track to pass all NCCAOM® board exams?

Take the CALE / NCCAOM® Intensive Review with Dr. Linda Morse and get prepared to pass in just 12 weeks. The next class starts Dec. 19, 2023. (No need to be a CALE student)

TCM courses to help you prepare for NCCAOM® exams

$90 or less per course with monthly group tutoring.
May only be viewed individually.

Studying for NCCAOM® exams?

We can help you be calm and confident for the Acupuncture, Biomedicine, Foundations, and Herbology Exams.

Take advantage of our TCM/National video courses. You will have unlimited access for 12 weeks to privately-recorded sessions with Dr. Morse. Learn your TCM material on your own time. Watch it as much as you want - lots of quizzes. Broken into doable segments for the most advantageous learning. Most sections are just one hour with a quiz at the end of every section. Great value.

Live Tutoring Included

Join Dr. Linda Morse and fellow TCM students for live group tutoring. Provided monthly for each course excluding Biomedicine. Held on Wednesday evenings 7:30-9 pm ET.

TCM Review Videos & Quizzes

Quizzes and reviews help strengthen your knowledge and sharpen test skills to help you achieve Acupuncture, Foundations, and Herbology, certification. 

  • On-demand, high quality video courses

  • Live tutoring sessions with Dr. Morse are provided monthly for each course, excluding Biomedicine.

  • 12 weeks unlimited viewing of each course

  • Numerous quizzes

  • Learn at your own pace

  • Required text $69.99 purchased on this site

  • Ready to take your exams? Let Dr. Morse help you check with personal recommendations for your success

  • Buy TCM Bundle + Exam Workbook for just $340 $290

Prepare for the NCCAOM® exams with confidence & clarity

Choose an innovative TCM teacher. Get the support you need while studying for the TCM / National exams.

TCM Review Courses Cost & Requirements

Item Description
Registration Fee$90 Acupuncture, Foundations and Herbology
$80 Biomedicine Mini Course
Required Text$69.99
Examination Workbook for Traditional Chinese Medicine – 7th Edition must be purchased on this site by the student viewing all videos. This ensures the best success for the student.
TCM Group TutoringProvided monthly for each course excluding Biomedicine. Held on Wednesday evenings 7:30-9 pm ET with Dr. Linda Morse. Tutoring sessions are held online and microphone and video are required.
Technical RequirementsA device with Internet Connection
Viewing & Refund PolicyThe class does not start automatically with your payment. Please notify to request your start day and time. That way the class starts exactly when you are prepared. No refunds. May only view one video course at a time. Must be watched with one year.
Registration DiscountsSave and study with our TCM Bundle.
Check out our other video courses to help you prepare for NCCAOM® exams. Mix & match Acupuncture, Foundations, Herbology, Biomedicine
May only be viewed individually

Sample Video from Acupuncture Review Classes

Prepare for the NCCAOM® exams with confidence & clarity

Choose an innovative TCM teacher. Get the support you need while studying for the TCM / National exams.

What TCM Students Are Saying

Check out what students said about our review classes for the NCCAOM® exams. View all student reviews here.

Taking Linda's review class provided me with a sense of calm and confidence. Her review book and practice questions were almost all of the materials that I needed while studying.

Valerie I., L.Ac.

Using her book combined with her online class is a wise choice if you are not a self-starter or need the guidance of a TCM expert!

Sonja J., L.Ac.

Her book and the information Linda has compiled is essential information. Instead of trying to study 20 books and compile information on my own, I was able to use her experience and summary of the essentials so I could focus on studying.

Ronald H. Jr., L.Ac.

Meet the Acupuncture Board Exam Teacher

Our founder & teacher has helped thousands of TCM students for over 23 years.

Linda Morse, Ph.D. L.Ac, Dipl. of OM

Dr. Linda Morse graduated in 1999 and holds a Masters Degree & Ph.D. in Oriental Medicine while having graduated Summa cum laude from both colleges. She began teaching TCM review classes in 2000. She continues to teach at TCM Colleges around the country. In 2003, she finished writing her internationally recognized Examination Workbook for Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is used by many acupuncture students while in college or studying for board exams.

Linda maintains a high degree of integrity and a sincere interest in the personal goals of her students. Small group classes teaching test-taking skills and quizzing are offered on a regular basis to ensure the best success for her acupuncture students. Dr. Morse is continually Dr. Linda Morse to answer any questions they might have while studying. Having over 40 years of experience teaching performance strategies makes her a true asset to safeguard success with your exams. Materials are updated frequently to reflect the proficiency standards and board changes. Go to your NCCAOM® exams with a calm and targeted goal in mind.

Prepare for the NCCAOM® exams with confidence & clarity

Choose an innovative TCM teacher. Get the support you need while studying for the TCM / National exams.