TCM Student Review for Acupuncture Review Classes

Becky M. L.Ac. 2010

I absolutely loved Dr. Linda Morse’s online class; it was fun, interesting and I looked forward to it every week. She is so very successful at what she does and trains us in the exam process with weekly homework and quizzes! I loved Linda’s book it became my Bible for over 5 months! Her class was the perfect momentum I needed straight out from school to keep going! I highly recommend her to all my peers and colleagues. She teaches with such consistent passion! Without her fabulous review course and valuable advice I wouldn’t be licensed right now (5 months postpartum)!

Becky M. L.Ac. 2010

TCM courses to help you prepare for NCCAOM® exams

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"Your Success - It's Personal With Me" - Dr. Linda Morse

Whether you feel like you’re ready to pass your exams, are lost in the material – I’m here to help. 
Private tutoring can be a huge asset to your success in passing your exams.