TCM Student Review for Acupuncture Review Classes

Corrine G., L.Ac. 2014

To everyone thinking about taking a review class for CALE I highly recommend Linda’s class. I just passed the August 2014 exam on the first try and feel that Linda’s review played a huge part. The test is a monster and Linda’s class helped me narrow the scope of my study to a manageable size. Her review book and the orthopedic video session covered all of the bases. I felt that the weekly online classes and homework assignments kept me from procrastinating. Her little tricks for remembering what some of the single herbs functions were will forever be stuck in my head, along with her Boston accented pronunciation of Chinese. The mock exams were very helpful, especially the in person one. Areas that I thought I knew well actually showed otherwise on the mocks so I then put in extra study time that I otherwise would not have.

Corrine G., L.Ac. 2014

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