TCM Student Review for Acupuncture Review Classes

Miki H. L.Ac. 2014

I graduated 4 years ago and I *still* use your workbook. I am sitting here tonight researching a difficult case and your book is always one I refer to. It is well worn, pages ripped out and tucked in, notes all over the place, yet it’s the best reference that has ever existed and should be the school curriculum as far as I’m concerned. I still find your workbook the most succinct and clear compilation of basic TCM. I just wish I had your book when I started school. The chaos of information that was given over the course of the curriculum was enough to drive anyone crazy. Your book was the first time I ever saw a neat, clear compilation of exactly what we needed to know to graduate. Thank you truly.

Miki H. L.Ac. 2014

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