TCM Student Review for Acupuncture Review Classes

P.P. L.Ac.

Linda’s approach was very pragmatic and organized and it was not long before the material became organized in my mind. Few weekly meetings in which I learned ways to organize the material and remember it, strategies to analyze cases etc., and gained confidence were sufficient not only to pass the comps, but to change my mindset and, with some more coaching from Linda, I am now looking forward to the CALE State Board.

P.P. L.Ac.

TCM courses to help you prepare for NCCAOM® exams

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Years teaching Acupuncture Review
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"Your Success - It's Personal With Me" - Dr. Linda Morse

Whether you feel like you’re ready to pass your exams, are lost in the material – I’m here to help. 
Private tutoring can be a huge asset to your success in passing your exams.