TCM Student Review for Acupuncture Review Classes

Robert Y L.Ac.

Do yourself a favor and guarantee yourself a pass, so you don’t have to wait six months to take the next one.  Linda’s course is the way to do it.  It is THE prep course to take, and she will make the entire process a smooth one.

Robert Y L.Ac.

TCM courses to help you prepare for NCCAOM® exams

$90 or less per course
May only be viewed individually.

Years teaching Acupuncture Review
Years of Teaching Experience
Students Taught
Book Copies Sold

"Your Success - It's Personal With Me" - Dr. Linda Morse

Whether you feel like you’re ready to pass your exams, are lost in the material – I’m here to help. 
Private tutoring can be a huge asset to your success in passing your exams.