TCM Student Review for Acupuncture Review Classes

SK L.Ac. 2013

I feel grateful for Linda and so glad I took this course. It provided incredible structure and organization during an overwhelming time. I’m a disciplined studier, but the structure Linda provided allowed me to work and study for Boards without completely burning out. More than that, her way of being with us was incredible. She is a warm, kind den mother who would take care of you if you were sick the night before the exam. And, she’s the edgy football coach who’ll make you do 50 more push-ups if that’s what it’ll take to pass. She’s committed to your success, and she gets you to be committed to your success.” I can’t tell you how much it meant when you told us we could see you the night before the test if we were freaking out. You’re so generous. You’re also funny and fun and I really did approach the Boards like a big game. And that, was kind of magical.

SK L.Ac. 2013

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"Your Success - It's Personal With Me" - Dr. Linda Morse

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